The Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852) - Prime minister
(1828-1830), military leader, and Conservative politician. Wellington
has the peculiar honor of being the only person in London to whom
two bronze equestrian statues have been erected, one of them cast
from captured French guns. Other monuments to the leader included
the arch at Hyde Park Corner, a stone figure, and a huge and ugly
bronze statue at Hyde Park (now removed and replaced by one of
the equestrians). A Frenchman who saw it is said to have exclaimed,
"We have been avenged!"
Thomas Caryle attacks the statue of Wellington, 1846.
Management secrets of the Duke of Wellington
About Matthew Cotes Wyatt, sculptor and inadvertant avenger
West India Docks - Opened in 1802, these were the first and finest
of the protected, enclosed docks of the 19th century, essential for London's growth as a port.
More about the West India Docks
The Difference Dictionary was first published in slightly different form in Science Fiction Eye, Issue #8.
Text copyright 1990, 1996, 2000, 2003, by Eileen K. Gunn.